The Premio Archimede 2016 has been won by the game Tergste by Eric Orel:
“Only a few of the many possible moves will be made; the fun about it is to actually obtain them, at the expense of the opponents.”
Second place to Monster Evolution by Guido Albini. Third place to Heinrich IV by Christian Scheibner.
The first four games are receiving also the support of the J.P. Halvah, Foundation, founded by Alex Randolph, to whom the Premio Archimede is dedicated, with the purpose of helping new game authors. The check is given by the President of the jury Niek Neuwahl.
The special prize Sebastiano Izzo has been given by Dario De Toffoli to WuXing (I cinque elementi) by Pietro Gorini, the special prize Cartamundi has been given by Ileana Xodo to Monster Evolution by Guido Albini, the special prize IDG has been given by Roberto Pestrin Tergeste by Eric Orel, the special prize Fotonica in Gioco to Marama by the students of 3BS Liceo Scientifico Leonardo Da Vinci di Jesi, the special prize Scienza e Gioco to Meteo by Riccardo Guerra, both been given by Fabio Chiarello and Roberta Ramponi, CNR.
The final ceremony took place on October 1st, at the San Leonardo Hall in Venice, with the organization of studiogiochi.
At its XIII Edition, the event has had its absolute record of participant games: 164 registered prototypes, mostly coming from different regions of Italy, but also other European and world wide countries.
The exhibition of the day has been made with the 84 selected long list games: all sorts of games, strategy, luck, abstract, thematized, simple, complex, all with new and original ideas, with a quality that is noticeably increasing every year.
At the final ceremony, presented and conducted by Leo Colovini and Dario De Toffoli, Giovanni Andrea Martini spoke in name of the City of Venice about Games as a cultural and social value, Herbert Feuerstein President of the G.P. Halvah remembered his friend Alex Randolph, Furio Honsell, GioNa president and Mayor of Udine, remarked the beauty of playing games.
Right after the awaited and exciting live voting of the final jury, conducted by Dario Zaccariotto.
As always, the work of the international jury (led by Niek Neuwahl) has been remarkable: Michael Bruinsma and Wim De Boer (Phalanx, Netherlands), Bernd and Moritz Brunnhofer (Hans im Glück, Germany), Cyril Demaegd (Asmodée, France), Silvio De Pecher (la tana dei Goblin, Italy), Dario De Toffoli (studiogiochi, Italy), Uwe Molter (Amigo, Germany), Philipp Sprick (Ravensburger, Germany), Dieter Strehl (Piatnik, Austria), Albrecht Werstein and Andreas Preiss (Zoch, Germany), Barbara Schmidts (Kosmos, Germany), Klaus Ottmaier (Pegasus, Germany).
Fundamental and important the work done by the selection jury composed by Leo Colovini, Giuseppe Baggio, Mauro Gaffo (journalist, Italy), Umberto Rosin, Stefano Scaramuzza (tana dei Goblin Venice), Federico Colovini, Piero Modolo and the studiogiochi staff that took care of the website, the media, the comunication, the graphics, and the preparation (Francesca Bortolato, Giulia Franceschini, Giorgia Marchesin, Elisa Marzorati, Piero Modolo, Rossana Nardo, Dario Zaccariotto and Fabrizio Berger).
Many thanks also to the City of Venice, who believes in the value of playing games, and the Musée suisse de jeu, where the winners will be shown;
Premio Archimede 2016 ranking
Tergeste by Eric Orel
2nd place
Monster Evolution by Guido Albini
3rd place
Heinrich IV by Christian Scheibner
4th place
Alter Ego by Maurizio Turinetto
5th place
Ancients by Luca Chiapponi
Santa’s Workshop by Gabriele Ausiello
Il Bazar di Tabriz by Gabriele Bubola
8th place
Pattaya by Richard De Rijk
Souvenir by Luca Chiapponi
10th place
Impressionisti – en plein air by Walter Nuccio
11th place
Arlecchino by Davide Zago
Tricky days by Andrea Mezzotero
13th place
Inn by Cielo d’Oro
14th place
Sail by Antonio Scrittore
15th place
Thrilling rides by Walter Nuccio and Enrico Feresin
Special Prize Carta Mundi
to the best card game
Monster Evolution by Guido Albini
Special Prize “Sebastiano Izzo”
to the game that would have been appreciated by Sebastiano Izzo, our beloved “games buddy”
that we like to remember during every edition
WuXing (I cinque elementi) by Pietro Gorini
Special Prize IDG
for the best game entirely created by a non professional game author
(an author that never published one of his games yet)
Tergeste by Eric Orel
Special Prize Scienza in gioco
for the best game with learning purpose, concerning scientific issues
with particular attention to light and its aspects.
Meteo by Riccardo Guerra
Special Prize Fotonica
Marama by 3BS Liceo Scientifico Leonardo Da Vinci di Jesi
July 2016
It is official, the registered games at the Premio Archimede 2016 are 164, a new record after the 146 participant games of the 2012 Edition.
A great job is awaiting the selection jury lead by Leo Colovini: about one game out of three will make it to the final, being part of the so called “great list”.
As far as the playing tests of the selection jury are going, it is not easy to take decisions. Some quite good games will need to be left out. It is obvious that the quality of the registered games keeps rising throughout the years!
The “great list” will be comunicated during the Event “IdeaG nord-est”, in Udine at the City Toy Library on September the 3rd. The final ceremony will take place in Venice at the San Leonardo Hall (Rio Terrà San Leonardo, Cannaregio 1584) on October the 1st. The San Leonardo Hall is offered by the City of Venice, as part of a series of initiatives that aim to spread game culture. The international jury, representing the major game publishing houses worldwide, will vote live!
Very soon the schedule of the day will be comunicated.
The presence of Furio Honsell, GioNa President (Associazione Nazionale delle Città in Gioco) and Fabio Chiarello representing CNR, to assign the Special Prize Science in Games, are already confirmed.
The Playlist of the 20 interviews of the Premio Archimede 2016:
Herbert Feuerstein – Dieter Strehl – Bernd Brunnhofer – Silvio De Pecher – Philipp Sprick – Andreas Preiss – Barbara Schmidts – Uwe Molter – Fabio Chiarello e Roberta Ramponi – studenti di diverse scuole (tre interviste) – Luigi Ricciardi – Ciro Facciolli e Sara Rubino – Francesca Corrado – Klaus Ottmaier – Michael Bruinsma e Wim De Boer – Ileana Xodo – Furio Honsell – Cyril Demaegd:
The Playlist with the 7 videos of the final ceremony of the Premio Archimede 2016:
01 – Dario De Toffoli and Giovanni Andrea Martini (City of Venice)
02 – Herbert Feuerstein (J.P.Halvah Foundation)
03 – Furio Honsell (GioNa President and Mayor of Udine)
04 – Scienza in gioco and Fotonica in gioco Prize giving
05 – Special Prize Sebastiano Izzo
06 – Carta Mundi Prize and first part of voting
07 – Final voting and prize giving
• Reception opens
• General Information
• Exhibition of the 84 games admitted to the final
• Withdrawal of the non admitted games
• Meetings with the selection jury for the authors non admitted to the final
(booking requested)
• Niek Neuwahl, Leo Colovini and Dario De Toffoli present
• City of Venice: about games as a social and cultural value
• Herbert Feuerstein, G. P. Halvah Foundation: my friend Alex Randolph!
• Furio Honsell, GioNa President and Udine Mayor: it’s wonderful to play!
• Fabio Chiarello, Roberta Ramponi, CNR: Prize giving “Fotonica in Gioco” and Scienza e Gioco Trophy
• Dario De Toffoli: Sebastiano Izzo Prize
• Voting, final ballot and proclamations, presented by Dario Zaccariotto
• Withdrawal of the games
• Meetings with the jury for the 84 finalist authors
(booking requested)
Don’t miss it: this is a great opportubity to meet people, exchange opinions, learn and make new friends!
On Saturday September 3rd Leo Colovini presented the long-list at the City Toy Library of Udine, during the IdeaG Nord-Est Event.
At the inauguration of IdeaG
Mayor Honsell between Roberto Pestrin and Walter Obert
Leo presenting the long-list
The average level of the 164 participant games is really high this year!
And so the selection jury decided to enlarge the long-list to 84 games, almost half of the total participants (instead of the previous editions 60 games).
Among the ones that didn’t make it there are still some pretty good ones, that were appreciated by the jury. Difficult choices had to be made, but they really had to be made!
The authors that didn’t make it should not give up, we advice them warmly to take part to the final ceremony anyway(on October 1st), a great occasion to exchange opinions and improve.
List of games in alphabetical order
++LIN | Giuseppe Bonfiglio |
“14” Brickcube | Valerio Bottin |
6-bit Board | Francesco Frittelli |
Acchiappafantasmi | Teodoro Mitidieri |
Akros | Emanuele Briano |
Alla corte di Federico II | Nestore Mangone |
Alter Ego | Maurizio Turinetto |
Ancients | Luca Chiapponi |
Aritmo | Damiano Marzotto e Annunziata Nicchia |
Arlecchino | Davide Zago |
Azzanna la zucca! | Giuliano Polverari |
Bacco Perbacco! | Alessandro Morandini |
Biliko | Ezio e Matteo Ritrovato |
BIN | Furio Ferri |
Bloodhound | Andrea Rughi |
Bookato | Antonio Scrittore |
Brush | Fabio Tumino |
Cars | Gilberto Zancanaro |
Cartegorie | Giuseppe Bonfiglio |
Carucedo | Malgari Schifani Corfini |
Chameleon | Antonio Scrittore |
Clockwise | Antonio Scrittore |
Compro oro | Emilio Veloci |
Consumator sapiens | Laura Tizian e classe 3^ B (Vicenza) |
Cryptozoo | Michele Zennaro |
Desertika 2015 a.C. | Marco Piola Caselli |
Diamond | Antonio Scrittore |
Evoluzione: la selezione naturale | Anna Luisa D’Antoni |
Fish sgwish | Antonio Scrittore |
Flags | Francesco e Laura Frittelli |
Funny Bugs | Enrico Feresin |
FVG – Friuli vari gusti | Liceo Percoto Udine |
Genesis Nederlander | Ivan Gariboldi |
Granducato | Luca Chiapponi e Andrea Melegari |
Heinrich IV | Christian Scheibner |
Helioscape: fuga dal sole | 3CS Liceo Carlo Livi |
Il Bazar di Tabriz | Gabriele Bubola |
Impressionisti – en plein air | Walter Nuccio |
Incarnation | Emiliano e Wladimiro Rizzo e Stefano Incontri |
Inn | Cielo d’Oro |
Inquisizione | Daniele Busatta e Francesco Rampinini |
Islands | Alex Saragosa |
Khefren Rebuilt | Francesco e Laura Frittelli |
La casa infestata | Enrico Feresin |
Lampo di genio, un’esplorazione alla scoperta della luce | Gualtiero Grassucci, Miriam Califano e varie classi di Licei di Latina |
Lancia in resta! – Il torneo del RE | Maurizio Maddalena |
Legends | Sergio Leoni, Mauro Di Milla e Andrea Cappuccia |
Locorotondo | Francesco Sciacqua e Teodoro Mitidieri |
Marama | 3BS Liceo Scientifico Leonardo Da Vinci di Jesi |
Market Express | Federico Latini |
Master of tales | Debora Fanti e Giorgio Binnella |
Memory3 | Gastone Pietro Rosati Papini |
Meteo | Riccardo Guerra |
Monster Evolution | Guido Albini |
Moonmine | Carlo Casagrande Raffi, Gianluca Merli e Stefano Bianconi |
Mosquitos | Antonio Scrittore |
Muuuucche! | Carmelo Massimo Tidona |
My uncle is a monster | Matteo Cimenti e Chiara Zanchetta |
Nassau e la repubblica dei pirati | Enrico Feresin |
Overmatch | Ricardo Jorge Gomes |
Palincromo | Antonio Scrittore |
Pattaya | Richard De Rijk |
Plasticity | Carlotta Viti, Valentina Lasagni, Momme Butenschoen |
Potions master | Marco Guidara |
Rail gems | Fabrizio Mattei e Giuseppe di Giovanni |
Rainbow race | IVS Liceo Scientifico di Venaria Reale |
Ramses | Alessandro Paiola |
Rexus Prime | Enrico Feresin |
Robot Alieni Invasori | Mauro Vanetti |
Sail | Antonio Scrittore |
Santa’s Workshop | Gabriele Ausiello |
Shroomz | Sara Cavaletti e Simone Bortoluzzi |
Souvenir | Luca Chiapponi |
Tergeste | Eric Orel |
The Followers | Ivan Gariboldi |
The long and winding road to… Discoinferno! Parte 1 | Nicola Verna |
Thrilling rides | Walter Nuccio e Enrico Feresin |
Tortugas | Pietro Vozzolo |
Tricky days | Andrea Mezzotero |
Turzeo | Fatih Kayhan |
Underwater | Hiroaki Ota |
WuXing (I cinque elementi) | Pietro Gorini |
Zombie Cage | Davide Rigolone |
Zucca balucca | Roberto Fiore |
PREMIO ARCHIMEDE 2016, organized by studiogiochi, concerns the invention of unpublished boardgames.
The Prize, dedicated to the great Alex Randolph, who was its president during the first seven editions, made the wishes of more than 30 authors come true, thanks to the pubblication of their games.
Everybody can participate (single or group), there are no age nor nationality limits.
The Competition is patronised by the City of Venice and is part of a series of cultural events dedicated to games, also as prevention against compulsive gambling.
The J.P. Halvah Foundation, created by the very same Randolph and directed by Herbert Feuerstein, donates € 4.000 to the first three places in form of anticipations of the future publications of their games.
The final ceremony will take place in the Sala San Leonardo of Venice on October 1st 2016. During this occasion there will be an exhibition of the finalist games.
The Musée Suisse du Jeu will organize an exhibition of the winner games.
The prize is recognized by UISP (Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti) and byGioNa (Associazione Nazionale delle Città in Gioco) for its social and cultural value. In fact it is a ludic and recreational activity that promotes the right of playing for any person and for any age.
Besides the Archimede Prize, the jury will assign the Special Prize Sebastiano Izzo and many other awards such as:
• Carta Mundi Special Prize for the best card game: the prize consists in 1.000 copies of the winner game made by Carta Mundi for free, given to its creator; the game must be composed by one or two decks of cards.
• Special Prize IDG for the best game entirely created by an author that never published a game before. In case of a prototype with more than one author, all of them must be never published authors.
• In collaboration with CNR, inside the European Project Photonics4All and in occasion of the UNESCO Internatioanl year of Light 2015, the Special Prize Science in Games for the best educational and learning game, with a special attention to issues concerning light and its many aspects. More infos about it on: www.fotonicaingioco.it
All finalists will also receive games offered by the publishers who support the Prize.
www.spielmaterial.de offers a 20% discount to any author participating to the Premio Archimede who makes an order. Take this chance to realize your prototype in a professional way. Please contact the Premio Archimede secretary to receive the discount code.
To participate
Fill in the participation form within May 31th 2016 and send it to:
PREMIO ARCHIMEDE 2016 c/o studiogiochi
S. Polo 3083
The authors are required to pay a participation fee of €30 for each inscribed game in these two possible ways:
1) paypal to info@studiogiochi.com.
2) bank transfer (IBAN DE09 3605 0105 0003 7001 84 BIC SPESDE3E).
Eventual custom fees have to be refunded by the game authors, otherwise the game won’t be inscribed. Studiogiochi will have the right of first refusal on the finalist games (see the participation form).
There will be a participation certificate for each admitted game, to witness and certify the presence of the game in this edition.
All the games will need the requirements below. Without these requirements, they won’t be admitted to the final.
The game
– Has to be original and unpublished.
– Can’t last more than 90 minutes.
The prototype
– All game components, including the game board, must be inside a rigid cardboard box, similar to the commercial boardgames boxes. The box should be easy to open and close, keeping safe what’s inside. It should be easy to transport: it is better to avoid too big or too heavy boxes (the ideal measures of a boardgame box are 40x30x10 cm).
– It should be functional, the jury has to be able to play it with ease. Pawns must stand well, spaces must be enough big, the cards not too thin, colours easy to identify, and so on.
– The game should not depend on its language. If text is necessary it is recomended to use english, so that the jury is able to play it indipendently.
– It doesn’t have to be presented in its final version, the graphic aspects come after its use.
– It is not necessary for the game to be presented as a final version, the graphic aspect comes after its use.
– The pieces of the game have to be wrapped separately in order to make it easy to get ready for the game.
– If necessary, the board has to be folded to fit into the box.
– The organization is not responsible for any loss or damage of the prototype during the event.
Information about the authors
On the box and on the rules there must be the name of the game, the name and surname of the authors, their full address, telephone number, and e-mail address.
The rules
– Have to be both in Italian and English and printed.
– Have to be easy to understand and exhaustive (including the indication of the contents of the material and the number of players). The jury must not have a hard time understanding them. It is advisable to use examples and figures.
– Can’t be written in more than 10.000 characters.
– Advice: Before you send the game, let it be played by the testers without giving any help explaining the rules, and observe how it works! That way you will know how to refine and perfection your rules and even your game.
Participation form
The participation form has to be completely filled in and signed for each participating game.
The jury, the criteria and procedures for the selection of the games
There will be two separate juries, both directed by Niek Neuwahl. During the first part of the competition only the selection jury is working:
• Niek Neuwahl (president)
• Leo Colovini (spokesman)
• Giuseppe Baggio
• Mauro Gaffo (journalist, Italy)
• Umberto Rosin and Stefano Scaramuzza (tana di Goblin Venezia)
• Federico Colovini
The selection jury will carefully study all game rules, dividing them among its members.
• During the jury meetings each member explains to the others the rules he read. Each game will be played by at least two of the selection jury members. If during playing the game is judged as not appropriate, its playing can be interrupted before the end of the game.
• Each jury member will evaluate the game according to the evaluation criteria. The average of the sum of all votes gives a position to each game that will determine what game will make it to the final.
• The first 30 games will all be played once more by all selection jury members, and among them the finalists will be selected.
The jury will consider the games accordingly to the following criteria (in order of importance):
– Originality of the game mechanisms.
– Playability, balance and functionality of the mechanisms.
– Amusement.
– Interaction between players.
– The possibility that the game will be taken into consideration from editors to be published.
– Theme coherence.
– Quality of the prototype.
At this point the final jury come into play:
• Niek Neuwahl (president)
• Michael Bruinsma and Wim De Boer (Phalanx, The Netherlands)
• Bernd and Moritz Brunnhofer (Hans im Glück, Germany)
• Cyril Demaegd (Asmodée, France)
• Silvio De Pecher (la tana dei Goblin, Italy)
• Dario De Toffoli (studiogiochi, Italy)
• Uwe Molter (Amigo, Germany)
• Philipp Sprick (Ravensburger, Germany)
• Dieter Strehl (Piatnik, Austria)
• Albrecht Werstein and Andreas Preiss (Zoch, Germany)
• Barbara Schmidts (Kosmos, Germany)
• Klaus Ottmaier (Pegasus, Germany)
The final jury will meet about one week before the final and each member will play every finalist game, secretly voting and writing down his impressions about his 7 favourite ones.
During the final ceremony, there will be a voting in front of the public to decide the winner. Each jury member will give 7 points to his favourite game, 6 points to his second favourite, and so on.
The votes will then be imediately counted to determine the winner of the Edition.
The selection jury will also choose the 3 best card games, indifferently if they are or not among the finalists. These 3 games will be judged separately by the final jury + Luc Martens from Cartamundi. Each jury member will assign 3 points to its favourite card game, 2 points to the next game, and so on. The winner will recieve the Cartamundi Special Prize.
Both groups will be joined by F. Berger, G. Franceschini, G. Marchesin, E. Marzorati, P. Modolo, R. Nardo and selected playtesters for consultancy.
Published games
The Premio Archimede, has demonstrated throughout the years to be an outstanding showcase. Already 42 the published games that participated to the Prize.
Edition 2014:
there are already two contracts, but soon more will be official.
Edition 2012:
Marco Polo by S.Luciani and D.Tascini, ed. Hans im Glück, Who sleep don’t fish by D. Rigolone ed. Piatnik (Espresso fishing),
Ready to rock by T. Bonetti, indipendent publication.
Edition 2010:
Builders of Egypt by Phil Harding, ed. Kosmos (release in 2016),
Cacao by Phil Harding, ed. Abacus Spiele,
Castles by Marco Pozzi, ed.Heidelberger Verlag,
Aquileia by Pier Volontè, ed. Zoch and 999 games,
Crazy race by Antonio Scrittore, ed. Zoch and 999 games (Kalimambo),
Drop Site, by Dennis Hoyle, ed. Gordion games.
Edition 2008:
Nuraghe by S. Luciani, ed. Cranio (Sheepland),
Quebec by Pietro Vozzolo, ed. Huch (Campos),
Portobello Road by Simone Luciani, ed. Piatnik (Frutti di mare),
Egizia by Virginio Gigli, ed. Hans im Glück,
Strada romana by Walter Obert, ed. Ghenos,
Fairy Power by Antonino Calogero, ed. Lanza del Vasto.
Edition 2006:
Ur by Paolo Mori, ed. What’s your game,
Star Systemby Walter Obert, ed. Scribabs,
The muddle maze by Enrico Pesce and Federica Rinaldi, ed Scribabs/Post sciptum (Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas).
Edition 2004:
Terranova by Gaetano Evola and Rosanna Leocata, ed. Winning Moves, Moria by Alessandro Saragosa, ed. Clementoni (König Solomons Schatzkammer),
Al Fischmarkt by Mario Papini, ed. Clementoni,
I vichinghi by Alessandro Zucchini, ed. Amigo (Walhalla),
Criminal mouse by the prisoners of the San Vittore Prison, ed. Faro,
Feudo by Mario Papini, ed. Zugames.
Edition 2002:
Andrew’s cage by Andrea Mainini, ed. da Recent Toys International (Tunnelz),
Spin & Trap by Andrea Mainini, ed. Gold Sieber + ed. Recent Toys,
Collection by Luisa and Francesco Cognetti, – ed. Dal Negro + ed. Piatnik (Minestrone),
Major Tom by Roland and Tobias Goslar, ed. Kronberger Spiele (Tom Tube),
Old Town by Stephan Riedel, ed. Clicker Spiele,
Cromodrom by Giuseppe Bonfiglio, ed. Piatnik (Farb Flitzer).
Edition 2000:
Bisanzio by Alessandro Saragosa, ed. 999 games (Justinianus),
Gnomoni by Duilio Carpitella, ed. Piatnik (San Gimignano) – nomination SdJ 2002,
Sopravvento (2000) by Alberto Zaccagni, ed. Sopravvento.
Edition 1998:
Verba game by Giuliano Parenti and Torquato Lo Mele, ed. Dal Negro,
Trikube by Luca Borsa, ed. da Ravensburger as Verbindung gesucht,
Trigos by Paolo Gasperat, ed. Arg Design.
Edition 1996:
Forma o colore? by Francesco Rotta, ed. Hiku Spiele + ed. Faro (Oxxo), Algoritmo by G.Dotta, ed. Qualitygame,
Kupido by Giovanni Caron, ed. Qualitygame,
C’era una volta by Francesco Lutrario, ed. Carte Segrete,
Konos by G.Grieco, A.Grieco, N. Roccasalva, ed. GE.MI
There will be two separate juries, both directed by Niek Neuwahl:
• the selection jury will assign special awards, choose the games admitted to the final and choose the finalists.
• the final jury will vote in front of the public, during the final ceremony, deciding the winners.
There will be a separate voting concerning card games, in order to assign the Cartamundi Prize to the best card game. This voting will be lead by Luc Mertens, card games expert, having directed the game section of Cartamundi for 33 years and having collaborated with many different game publishers all over the world.
Selection jury
• Niek Neuwahl (president)
• Leo Colovini (spokesman)
• Giuseppe Baggio
• Mauro Gaffo (journalist, Italy)
• Umberto Rosin e Stefano Scaramuzza (La Tana dei Goblin Venezia)
• Federico Colovini
Final jury
• Niek Neuwahl (president)
• Michael Bruinsma and Wim De Boer (Phalanx, The Netherlands)
• Bernd e Moritz Brunnhofer (Hans im Glück, Germany)
• Cyril Demaegd (Asmodée, France)
• Silvio De Pecher (La Tana dei Goblin, Italy)
• Dario De Toffoli (studiogiochi, Italy)
• Uwe Molter (Amigo, Germany)
• Philipp Sprick (Ravensburger, Germany)
• Dieter Strehl (Piatnik, Austria)
• Albrecht Werstein and Andreas Preiss (Zoch, Germany)
• Barbara Schmidts (Kosmos, Germany)
• Klaus Ottmaier (Pegasus, Germany)
Both groups will be joined by Fabrizio Berger, Giulia Franceschini, Giorgia Marchesin, Elisa Marzorati, Piero Modolo, Rossana Nardo.
Also this year the Musée Suisse du Jeu (Suiss Museum of games) organized an exhibition with the Premio Archimede prototypes. In the pictures below some finalist games of the Editions 2014 and 2012.
In the first picture the winner of the 2014 Edition Nea Polis by Ciro Facciolli and Sara Rubino, and the 9th place of the 2012 Edition Who sleeps won’t fish by Davide Rigolone both in its prototype and published version (Espresso fishing – Piatnik 2015).
In the second picture some finalists of the 2014 Edition: Line2dots by Chong Veng Cheang (Special Prize Pen&Paper game), Recycle Inc by Marco Pozzi and Laura Nicolini (14th ex aequo), Torneo by Cielo Doro (12th ex aequo), Alien corporate invaders by Mauro Vanetti (12th ex aequo).
In the third picture the winner of the 2012 Edition, Marco Polo by Daniele Tascini and Simone Luciani, both in its prototype and published version (Auf den Spuren von Marco Polo – Hans im Glück 2015).
From the left: Nea Polis by Ciro Facciolli and Sara Rubino, Who sleeps won’t fish by Davide Rigolone, prototype (right) and published (center)
From the left: Line2dots by Chong Veng Cheang, Recycle Inc by Marco Pozzi and Laura Nicolini, Torneo by Cielo Doro, Alien corporate invaders by Mauro Vanetti
Marco Polo by Daniele Tascini and Simone Luciani, prototype (right) and published (left)
The Special Prize Science in Games is assigned with the support and collaboration of: