Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem
Guglielmo di Ockham (1285 – 1349)
“Entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity”
Premio Archimede is a competition, organized by studiogiochi, and it concerns the invention of board games.
The Prize is dedicated to the great Alex Randolph (considered the founder of the profession of game inventors), who was the President of this competition during the first seven editions.
It is a very important opportunity for aspiring inventors, especially for the italians: here they can show their creativity and, most of all, they can improve their skills by exchanging opinions with each other and with the international jury of games experts, presided by the studiogiochi’s founder Dario De Toffoli.
The importance of this event is demonstrated by the fact that many awarded games of the past editions have been published in Italy or in other countries.
The Premio Archimede begun in 1993 and starting from 1996 it takes place every two years. It is still thriving thanks to the support of many of the most important publishers in the world.