The winner of the 1st Backgammon Tournament “Casino Campione Challenge” is the German Julian Becker.

A friendly and cheerful atmosphere at the Casino Campione Challenge, that took place between January 27 and 29 at the Casino of Campione d’Italia, the biggest european Casino, with its 9 storeys.
During the semifinal, Becker played against the strong German player Josefin Bichler, a real revelation of this tournament, then in the final he played against the Russian player Nodar Gagua, an old good friend of our many Italian tournaments.
Hundreds of players took part to the tournament, coming from 16 different nations. Not many prizes for the Italian players, only the semifinal for Bruno Fanan from Turin.
In the intermediate category good results for our Italian femal players: Patricia Rey, from the Principality of Monaco, against Paola Aiello from Bologna.
Greece did very well, both in the Team tournament, in the Double, and also in SpeedGammon.
The Kick-off was won by Mislav Kovacic from Croatia, a young promising worldwide backgammon player, as well as the Czech player Zdenek Zizka, that also took part to the tournament.
The Event has been organized by studiogiochi, supported nationally by the CNB Association (Circuito Nazionale Backgammon), and internationally by WBA (World Backgammon Association). From this collaboration and thanks to the support of the Campione Casino, who has been a perfect and great partner, this tournament has been a real success, receiving already the request of being repeated next year.
During this occasion the WBA awarded Zdenek Zizka as best European player 2016; the CNB organized a play-off of the Italian 2016 circuit, in which the very final will be between Edmond Mezini and Daniel Tudose, on March 3rd, during the Tournament of Turin.
See you in 2018 for a new bigger and richer Edition.
Winner: Julian Becker (D)
Finalist: Nodar Gagua (RU)
Semi-finalists: Josefin Bichler (D) – Bruno Fanan (I)
Quarter-finalists: Fabrizio Lo Surdo (I) – Fausto Pescini (I) – Minh Nguyen (F) – Paul Gilbertson (UK)
Winner: Patricia Rey (MC)
Finalist: Paola Aiello (I)
Consolation: Giuseppe Indomenico (I)
Finalist Consolation: Airat Metshin (RU)
Double consulting
Winner: Chatzelis-Mitrelis (GR)
Finalist: Velasco-Velasco (E)
Team tournament
Winner: Team Greece (GR) (Chatzelis-Mitrelis-Papachristopoulos)
Finalist: Vento selvaggio (I) (Introzzi-Pellegrini-Miclaus)
Winner: Kimon Papachristopoulos (GR)
Finalist: Mislav Kovacic (HR)
Winner: Mislav Kovacic (HR)
Finalist: Kader Turk (F)
Double Match Point event
Winner: Kimon Papachristopoulos (GR)
Finalist: Walter Busato (I)
Chiva’s (regal) tournament
Winner: Mike Wignall (UK)
Finalist: Giorgio Castellano (I)
Giocatore dell’anno 2016
Luca Martino