Home Dario De Toffoli – videos

Dario De Toffoli – videos


Dario De Toffoli – videos

ISOP Championship 2019-2020: interview with Dario De Toffoli, Omaha Main tournament’s winner

Mind Sports Olympiad 2018: Paco de la Banda interviews Dario De Toffoli, Pentamind World Champion 2002 and 2012

Radio Venezia Live Social interviews Dario De Toffoli

PLAY Modena 2018 – Gioconomicon interviews Dario De Toffoli

Italian Poker Championship 2016 – Dario De Toffoli is the Over 50 Champion

Paroliamo 1988 – Dario De Toffoli participated as a competitor

Paroliamo e contiamo was a TV Quiz Show that strted in France with Armand Jammot and was called “Des chiffres et des lettres”. Players had a series of matches of Paroliamo (see) and Countdown (see) to play, and for each match they got about 45 seconds time.

The game was a great success in France, where it started in 1965, but also in many other countries. It reached Italy, landing first on the TV Channel Telemontecarlo (in 1977) with Lea Pericoli, and then on the TV Channel Raidue, with Marco Danè. In the 80’s even some boxes of the game have been produced. Today in Italy is almost forgotten, it basically survives just in some magazines and in the events organized by the “Paroliamo e Contiamo” association of Florence.

In 1988 Dario De Toffoli took part as a player on the Raidue TV show, winning some episodes. In the video above the match against Roberto Morassi, from Florence.